7 Genuine steps to live an abundant life

Sep 16, 2021 | Spirituality | 0 comments

Abundance can be defined as a person’s ability to experience what he/she desires for his/her life.

Living an abundant life is less about the material things and more about the spiritual part, about prioritizing being over having.

Abundance has its own laws and if we live in scarcity it is because we do not know these laws.

1. Scarcity does NOT exist

Scarcity is the name we give to the lack of abundance, in the same way, that darkness is the lack of light.

One of the universe’s characteristics is a huge mirror that reflects your feelings and thoughts in abundance.

One thing to have in mind about thoughts is that they have a certain vibration, depending on the thought and the feeling that accompanies them, the vibration differs.

Life understands that you think is what you desire and gives you an abundance of it

Life does not judge and all it does is give you an abundance of the energy with which you have previously syntonized

This means that your only task is to syntonize with the right vibration. If you are syntonized with the energy of abundance, life will bring it to you without questioning.

If you syntonize with the energy of scarcity, thats´ what you´ll receive.

Life´s mission is not to judge your thoughts, but to be in your service and give you what you think of.

You will obtain what you think of, whether you wish it or not.

The beautiful thing about life is that it is abundant without you having to do anything. Think of the water, the oxygen, the food, and the possibility of interacting with other humans that exist. And you didn´t have to do anything. Think of the sunrises and sunsets that happen every day and have happened for millions of years without you having to do anything. The thousands of experiences available in this world to fill your life, full of animal and plant species… And you didn´t have to do anything.

The world in which we live has and will always be abundant. Scarcity is the exception, the anomaly that we humans have created. Assuming that shortage is possible is turning a fantasy into reality.

Our first mistake was believing that scarcity is possible and exists in a world like ours.

And the truth is, every time that we don´t enjoy and realize and celebrate how abundant this world and life are, we are living in scarcity.

Abundance, like scarcity, is a decision. It may be unconscious or not, but it is a decision. One that we make every day when we wake. And one that we can change at any moment.

We can choose whether to see everything as if it were a miracle or to focus on all the wrong things that need to be fixed.

Abundance is nature’s essence. Is the natural way of things, and realizing that such thing as scarcity is not possible, is the first step to an abundant life.

In fact, I want you to eliminate that word from your vocabulary. From this moment on, the word scarcity does not exist.

2. Abundance is not one or the other, it is one AND the other

We often think that we have to choose between having a job or enjoying our families, doing what we love or earning a lot of money, being a good person, or being rich.

But if abundance means being able to experience what we want in our lives, then it isn´t about experiencing one or the other, is one AND the other.

In an abundant world, these choices do not exist because scarcity does not exist and because abundance has no limits. It is not about choosing between the things you want to experience. It is about being able to experience both of them.

Abundance is having health, love, and the resources you want and need at every moment of your life. As well as being able to share those resources with another person when you freely choose to.

3. Abundance is freedom

What is your definition of rich? What makes a person rich in your opinion?

We previously talked about abundance and about how living life is not about the material side, about having, but about being.

I used to think that being rich was about having large amounts of money and being able to choose freely what to do with that money, having the economic capacity to buy whatever you want to buy.

But I realized that being rich is about having the health, the freedom, and the joy of freely choosing every day what you want to do in every aspect of your life.

Money is a form of freedom, but having money doesn´t mean you’re a free person.

Being economically rich is about prioritizing having over being. Over the liberty of being.

An abundant person is someone who doesn´t work for money and doesn´t stop doing anything for money.

Something that we need to understand about living an abundant life, is that abundance is the meaning of a free life. Abundance is about not having to do anything you don´t want to do to enjoy your lifestyle, because you know that by being true to yourselves and by being in syntony with your values and principles, abundance manifest itself.

Read that again.

One cannot be abundant by doing something that they didn’t freely choose.

Our attitude and dominant thoughts when we do something that we have freely chosen are different from when we do something that we have not.

Our thought when we are doing things that align with our values and principles are different from when we are not.

And that is why you cannot have an abundant life if you are constantly doing things that you have not freely chosen. Remember that the universe is a huge mirror that reflects what your dominant thoughts express.

Wealth is of no use if today you walk a path that does not make you happy.

Today’s path of economical abundance is about finding your talents and gifts and finding the formula to put them in the service of others.

The world doesn´t need more people that work without passion, without putting their talent at the service of others and the service of something bigger than themselves.

Now the truth is that there WILL be days when we will have to do things that at that moment we don´t want to do, or that are difficult to us. There will be parts of our jobs that we enjoy more than others. That is inevitable.

But what really matters, and what I want you to seriously ask yourselves is: does what I do bring meaning to my life, and the life of others?

4. Abundance requieres faith

The beliefs that govern our lives influence not only how we interpret reality, but rather the part of reality that we can access.

Why? Because we can´t see things that we do not believe in.

In the world, there are 2 creative energies: faith/love and fear. Faith is the confidence that what you desire will happen. And fear is the confidence that something negative or that you don´t desire will happen.

Faith creates positive results in your life. Fear creates negative ones. Both of them are creative energies.

Whether your dominant thoughts have the emotion of fear or faith: you will first create images in your mind which then manifest on a physical level. You first believe and then you see.

These energies give orders to you and the universe that you both fulfill because we can only experiment with what we have previously created in our minds.

Faith creates new realities because of the conviction that other realities are possible. You first believe, then you see.

That is why abundance requires faith, you need to trust the process and trust that by living with love and faith, abundance will manifest itself.

5. Abundance is a consequence of trust

As we have just learned, in the world are two energies. And whether you know it or not, you live accompanied by one of them at all times.

Faith/love creates abundance. Fear creates scarcity.

Fear paralyzes you, makes you immobilized, prevents you from facing new challenges, makes you distrustful of people, it makes you think small. Fear keeps you tied to a routine that manifests scarcity in your life.

Fear is an energy that makes you think: “ I can´t do it, you´re not worth it, someone will betray you, you´ll fail…”

Fear is not changing things in case you fail or because you believe you have little chance of succeeding.

Fear is waiting for tomorrow, having a close mind. Fear means settling for a life that you don´t like and not letting yourself dream big to avoid disappointment if you don´t achieve your dreams.

But love… Love makes you vibrate, move, it motivates you to move forward and try new things. Loves make you focus on what matters and what is important to you.

Living with love means trusting that whenever you need something you´ll find those resources, love is changing your opinion if you need to, laughing, enjoying, and seizing every moment of life.

The more trust you give to the world, the more trust you will receive. Remember that life is just a huge mirror that returns whatever you give.

Abundance is the natural consequence of living with faith and detachment from the results.

And the truth is… you can only be abundant when other human beings believe in you and you believe in them.

But why? Why is trust so important?

Because trust is the foundation of any relationship you begin with others. If you have an idea and you want others to believe in it, you need trust. If you want someone to buy you a product or service, you need trust. If you want to form an association with someone you need to trust. If you want to collaborate with another human being in a personal or professional way you need trust.

You cannot expect to achieve anything in this life on your own and to rely on other people you need trust on both sides of the relationship.

Only then you will be abundant because abundance is the consequence of trust.

6. Abundance is a consequence of responsibility

We all have heard the quote with great power, comes great responsibility. And it very much applies to this case. Why?

Because nowadays we as a society have a problem, we have become used to victimizing ourselves and blaming others for our actions.

We completely rely on our jobs to earn money. Climate change is the consequence of others people’s actions. We act the way we do because our parents educated us that way. If we are ill, doctors have to heal us. I complain about not liking my body, but I do nothing about it.

We are constantly blaming others for our actions. Being a victim has its advantages: the lack of responsibility, the attention… But it has one big disadvantage: the life of a victim is never abundant.

A victim is someone who justifies, lies, blames others, and above all complains.

If you are not part of the problems, you cannot be part of the solution.

Complaining means blaming others and assuming that it is never our fault.

Evidently, we need hospitals, schools, banks. But by delegating the leadership for all areas of our life we are becoming victims and distancing ourselves from abundance.

Assuming the responsibility of your life implicates accepting that you are where you are because of YOUR actions.

Accepting this responsibility will give you back the power to redirect this treasure called life into a better place.

Abundant people don´t complain because they know that complaining will take them nowhere. If they don´t like something they work with the illusion to change it or accept it as it is.

Complaining will only allow you to be in an observant position never taking action and wasting all that energy instead of using it to work on your dreams, to live with love and faith.

Assuming the responsibility for your actions and life will give you the power to redirect it into a better place and start taking action to achieve everything you have ever wanted.

You can live from victimhood or responsibility. Which one do you choose?

7. Abundance requires new information

Do you know why elephants never escape the circus?

They are tied to a small stake on the ground with a chain by their leg. Elephants are animals capable of pulling up a tree. So why don´t they escape?

Because they have been tied to a chain their entire lives. They tried escaping when they were younger. But they didn´t have enough strength to break the chain. So one day, they accepted their impotence and stopped trying.

They don´t escape because they don´t know they can. They never questioned what they one day accepted.

You have come to where you are with the information you have. If you want to go further you´ll need new information and put that information into practice.

Go out and question everything you believe and assume as a certainty, learn new things, new ways of doing things, new skills, and mindsets…

Remember: the difference between where you are and where you want to be is new information and hours of practice.


Summing up, abundance is all about taking responsibility for our lives and actions. Is about living with love and faith, trusting ourselves and others around us. About not letting fear control our lives.

Living an abundant life means erasing the word scarcity from our vocabulary and understanding that such a thing never existed and that it was all a product of our minds.

Is about learning that in an abundant world we can experience all the desires we want, it´s about both options, not one or another.

Living with abundance means recognizing and marveling at the phenomenon that is life. Living as every little thing like a flower growing on the street is a miracle.

Is important to understand that living with abundance is about doing the things that we freely choose, and the ones that align with who we are and our values.

Remember to always be questioning what you believe and always seek for new information to be able to go further and further.

And if you still don´t believe yourself worthy of living an abundant life, remember that nature is filled with abundance, and you as the human being you are, as a creation of nature, are abundance too.

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sofia success

Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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