The 7 Chakras explained- a beginners guide

Jan 20, 2022 | Spirituality | 0 comments

Looking to learn about chakras and their impact on the human body? This beginners guide will explain the seven chakras, as well as their attributes, meaning, and their impact on our life. Let´s begin…

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Color and light

Color and light are two important factors to understand if you truly want to understand the 7 chakras. 

If we were to take pure light and shine it through a prism, the white light would break into a spectrum of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Each chakra vibrates at a certain frequency that matches the frequency of the seven colors in the rainbow. These seven colors have a wide vibrational spectrum. The color red for example has the longest wavelength and the lowest vibration. We normally see this color as warm and stimulating.

On the other hand, the color violet has the shortest wavelength and the fastest frequency. We see this color as cool and calming.

What is a chakra?

The word “chakra” comes from Sanskrit and it means wheel. Chakras are energy points that run vertically from the base of your spine up to the crown of your head. They are called wheels because these energy points are vortices that spin within the body creating a vacuum that attracts vibrational energy towards them.

Think of it as a black hole in the universe. Black holes are regions of spacetime where even the smallest particles are drawn towards it because of the gravitational force it creates.

Chakras draw energy in, but they also radiate energy at a certain vibrational frequency. Each of these seven chakras is also aligned with a major organ or gland which is then connected to other parts of the body that vibrate on the same frequency.

Even though you might have heard more than once about “the 7 chakras” the truth is that you can find numerous chakras within the body. However, the biggest and more important chakras are the seven ones we are about to see. Are you ready?

chakras explained

The seven chakras

The root chakra (Muladhara)

This chakra, located in the base of the spine, vibrates at the frequency of the color red. This energy point is the one that defines our relationship with the earth, hence its name.

The root chakra governs the adrenal glands found on top of each kidney. The adrenal gland is responsible for producing different hormones for example adrenaline.

The Muladhara is focused on survival and it impacts our vitality, passion, and survival instincts.

The sacral chakra (Swadhisthana)

blocked chakras symptoms

The sacral chakra vibrates at the frequency of the color orange and it is aligned with the reproductive organs. That is why this chakra is focused on sex and interactions as well as impacting our sexuality, reproductive functions, joy, desires, compassion for others, and creativity.

This chakra is located below the belly bottom and it relates to the element of water.

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura)

chakra healing for beginners

The solar plexus chakra vibrates at the same frequency as the color yellow and it is located on the stomach area. It is focused on the power of ego, confidence, happiness, energy as well as respect for others and ourselves.

This chakra is related to the elements of fire and energy and it governs the pancreas, the gland that produces gastric juices that aid in food digestion.

The heart chakra (Anahata)

chakra meanings chart

The heart chakra is related to the element of air and it is located at the center of the heart.

This chakra is focused on love, compassion, relationships, connections to others, and the relationship with ourselves.

The Anahata vibrates at the same frequency as the color green and it is connected to the thymus, the primary lymphoid of the immune system.

The throat chakra (Vissudha)

seven chakras meaning

The throat chakra is located on the throat and it vibrates at the same frequency of the color blue.

This chakra is connected to the thyroid gland which produces hormones that play an important role in the metabolism, growth, and development of the human body. It is focused on expression, our ability to communicate, listen and express ourselves creatively.

The Vissudha relates to the ethereal elements which refer to the lightest and most subtly of elements.

The third eye chakra (Ajna)

seven chakras symbols

This chakra vibrates at the frequency of the color indigo and it relates to the element of electricity.

The third eye chakra is focused on our physical abilities, intuition, charisma, knowledge, and personality. 

This chakra located on the forehead, between the eyes is connected to the pituitary gland. This gland is found at the base of the brain and is often called the “master of the endocrine glands” since it´s the one responsible for telling other glands to release hormones.

Crown chakra (Sahasrara)

spirituality for beginners

The last chakra is located at the very top of the head and is related to the element of light. This chakra represents our awareness, intelligence, state of equilibrium, and transcendence. It is focused on spirituality and heightened awareness.

The crown chakra is connected to the pineal gland. Although the functions of this gland aren´t fully understood, we know that it secretes the melatonin hormone which regulates sleep patterns. In female bodies, this gland also regulates hormone levels.

What impact do the 7 chakras have on our bodies and lives?

Because these chakras are connected to a major gland in the human body they play a major role in our health, our mind, and our relationship with others.  The impact they have in our life depends on if these energy points are healthy or blocked.

Whether the seven chakras are balanced or imbalanced depends on different things like the environment we live in, past experiences, our lifestyle…

When a chakra is blocked it enters either a mode of hyperactivity or hypoactivity. A hyperactive state is when there is an excess of energy flowing near the chakra. On the other hand, a hypoactive state is when the function of a chakra is blocked or reduced because there is not enough energy flowing.

Having all your chakras open and in balance, makes you feel in harmony, in good health, and your life in general flows. You feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

But when your chakras are blocked you feel lost, disconnected from yourself and life. You may even feel unhealthy physically and emotionally.

How do chakras get imbalanced?

As we mentioned earlier chakras get imbalanced when there is either too much energy flowing or not enough energy flow.

This can happen because of a number of different reasons. Emotionally, emotions like stress, anxiety, depression, anger…cause a huge imbalance of energy flow through the body, affecting the chakras.

Physically, any temporal illness or discomfort affects the chakras, especially if the illness is chronic or acute since the body cannot re-establish the flow of energy through the organs and cells of the body.

Other reasons why your chakras may be imbalanced or blocked include your patterns of behavior and/or thinking. For example, negative thinking attracts a certain vibration that doesn´t allow the free flow of energy.

Symptoms of blocked chakras

So how do we know when a chakra is healthy or blocked? Well, there are numerous symptoms for each chakra to help us know whether they are balanced or imbalanced.

Symptoms of a blocked root chakra

When this chakra located at the base of our spine is blocked and doesn´t receive enough energy flow, we can experience emotional symptoms like anxiety, insecurity, and/ or disconnection from our body.

When this chakra receives an excessive amount of energy its symptoms include: money issues, feeling stuck, short temper, aggression…

Symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra

Having this chakra blocked could manifest its self emotional as being uninspired, apathetic, with low self-esteem, dramatic behavior, and/or a lack of personal boundaries.

Physically, it could manifest as problems with your reproductive organs, your urinary system, pain in your lower back…

Symptoms of a blocked solar plexus chakra

Some emotional symptoms of having the solar plexus chakra blocked include being passive and judgmental, indecisive, fear, lack of purpose… 

Having this chakra blocked can also manifest in a physical way, like for example problems with your spine, your upper stomach, the digestive system, and even your metabolism.

Symptoms of a blocked heart chakra

When this chakra, which is the one focused on love and joy, is blocked you can experience symptoms like loneliness, jealousy, grief, being unable to connect with others, being clingy, and suffocating, on an emotional level.

On a physical level, it can manifest as problems with the heart, lungs as well as circulatory and respiratory systems.

Symptoms of a blocked throat chakra

When this chakra located on the throat is blocked or doesn´t receive enough energy flow, it manifests as shyness, introversion, fear of judgment, being overcritical, and defensive. On the physical plane, it could manifest as weak voice, pain in the throat, tension headaches, and/ or metabolism problems.

Symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra

Imbalances in this chakra may present emotionally as the inability to trust your intuition, being dismissive and judgemental, close-minded, being afraid of the future, having nightmares, experiencing an inability to focus…

Physically it can present as headaches, vision problems, and memory issues.

Symptoms of a blocked crown chakra

When the crown chakra is blocked emotionally you could feel a lack of motivation and purpose in your life, depression, abandonment, lack of empathy, stress, and/ or close-minded.

On the physical plane, it can manifest as chronic headaches and a lack of physical coordination.

Thank you so much for investing your time in reading this article and I hope the information in it has helped you understand better the seven chakras and the impact they have on our bodies.

Remember that you are worthy of even your wildest desires!

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 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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