How to create a killer daily self care checklist 

Jan 19, 2023 | Personal Development | 0 comments

This post is all about how to create a daily self-care checklist.

A daily self care routine is essential to balance your life.

If you are looking for a killer guide to creating a perfect daily self care checklist that makes you feel balanced and take care of yourself you are in the right place! In this article, I am sharing the exact formula you can use to create a self care routine designed especially for you.

So without further introduction, let’s get started!

daily self care checklist

How to create a daily self-care checklist

The truth is that there is no one size fits all routine when it comes to self-care.

Every individual is different, the same way that we all have different needs.

And even though self-care is seem as cheezy and useless nowadays, it is essential to our overall well-being.

Because self-care is about actions we take to develop, maintain and improve our well-being.

A few examples of basic self-care ideas:

  • Eating healthy and nourishing meals for your body
  • Having a good sleep schedule
  • Practicing gratitude
  • Moving your body daily
  • Working on your self-improvement

Before we start I want you to know that there is no right or wrong when it comes to self care routines. 

The important thing to have in mind when creating yours is to make sure that you are covering your needs and doing daily actions that make you feel good and balanced.

So if self care is something unique to each individual, how can I create my daily self care checklist through a blog post?

Well based on the purpose of self care, I want to share with you a formula you can use to create your own.

And this self-care routine template is based on 3 concepts: body, soul, and spirit.

Body, soul, and spiritual self care routine

The goal of creating a routine that focuses on body, soul, and spirit is based on the belief that we are integrated beings.

So, to live a balanced life, you must take care of these three aspects.

How to create a self-care routine with love languages

So how can I know which self-care activities to choose based on my needs?

One of the ways you can discover these needs is by discovering your love language.

The five love languages represent the different ways we have of expressing and experiencing love.  There are 5 types of love languages:

  • Receiving gifts. Having this type of love language means that you feel loved when you receive gifts (visual representations of love). It’s not that people who have this type of love language are materialistic or that they take into account the monetary value. It´s about the symbolic meaning behind the gift. 
  • Words of affirmation. People with this type of language value verbal acknowledgment of affection. Like the frequent, I love you’s, compliments, and verbal encouragement. These words of affirmation make them feel understood and appreciated.
  • Quality time. People with quality time as their love language feel appreciated and value their partner wanting to actively spend time with them, giving them their undivided attention, having meaningful conversations, active listening, eye contact, and full presence…
  • Acts of service. If your love language is acts of service it means that you appreciate when your partner goes out of his/her way to make your life easier. Like bringing the coffee to bed, or picking up the laundry when you’ve had a busy day at work. This type of expressing and receiving love is based on the phrase: “Actions speak more than words”.
  • Physical Touch. If your love language is physical touch it means that you feel loved when you receive physical signs of affection, including kissing, holding hands, cuddling on the couch, and sex. Physical intimacy and touch can be incredibly affirming, and it serves as a powerful emotional connector for people with this love language. They value the feeling of warmth and comfort.

Learning about love languages and discovering yours will help you give yourself attention and love in a way that is meaningful to you to create a personalized self care routine.

But, how do I know which type of love language is mine? Easy, there are many tests online that you can make in a couple of minutes that will tell you your love language. 

Click here to discover your love language!

How to create your daily self-care checklist

Now that we have seen this self-care checklist formula I want to share with you a couple of self-care ideas for each category based on your love language.

These ideas are meant to inspire you to create your daily self care checklist. But remember that you are the only one who knows what you need, and what will work for you.

I recommend you choose at least one self care idea for mind, body, and soul. And then create your personalized daily self care checklist.

Quality time daily self care checklist ideas


  • Invest time in how you move your body
  • Take a long bath with some candles and your favorite playlist in the background.


  • Enjoy the sunset
  • Sit with a book and a cup of tea or coffee. Choose a peaceful place and enjoy reading a book that makes you feel happy and inspired.
  • Include a mindfulness practice in your daily routine
  • Make journaling a part of your morning or night routine


  • Make the commitment to start or end your day doing something sacred to you.
  • Create a vision board for a specific goal you want to achieve

Physical touch self care routine


  • Learn to give yourself massages! There are tons of great Youtube tutorials to get you started.
  • Create and invest in a skincare routine and use it as a moment of relaxation.
  • Cuddle your pets if you have them.


  • Have a hobby that makes you feel aligned with yourself and where you use your body. It could anything like pottery, painting, yoga, dancing…


  • Spend time outside with nature, and feel the sun on your skin and the wind on your face. Use it as a moment to be present by focusing on your sense and what feel through them.

Acts of service daily self-care routine


  • Do a quick clean around the house before you go to bed
  • Look for healthy and delicious recipes on Pinterest to nourish your body
  • Do your hair even if you are not going out


  • Ask yourself how you can make someone’s day better today and put that into action.


  • Create a note on your phone with a list of errands/ to-dos. Every time you remember something you need to do write it in this tab instead of saving it in the back of your mind. 

Once a week choose something from this list to do. This is a great way to avoid overloading yourself mentally.

Words of affirmation daily self care routine ideas


  • Use affirmations that make you feel empowered as you move your body
  • Create an uplifting playlist and have a dance break!


  • Establish a meditation practice as part of your daily routine. Here are some tips to help you get started
  • Choose a couple of empowering affirmations to start your day
  • Hang throughout your house or bedroom inspirational quotes that make you feel motivated.


  • Write yourself a love note or reminder for the day/ week
  • Write a list of 5 things you are grateful for every morning
  • Watch inspiring TED talks.

Receiving gifts routine ideas


  • Try a new perfume 
  • Enroll in a couple of workout classes 
  • At least once a month treat yourself to a spa day or have your nails done.


  • Invest in your personal growth by enrolling in a class, buying a book, or a seminar
  • Create a self-care kit full of things that make you happy


  • Choose a special person in your life and buy them a small gift “just because”
  • Buy yourself flowers every other week

How to stick to your daily self-care checklist

Creating your personalized self care routine is fun and all, but remember that there is no point in creating one if you don’t stick to it.

So here are a couple of tips to help you stick to your self care routine:

Schedule it and set a reminder. Make sure to schedule a time frame to do your self care routine and create a reminder on your phone.

It doesn’t matter if your self care routine is going to take you 5 min, 15min, or an hour.

What matter is that you block time off your schedule and make it a non-negotiable in your daily routine.

Make it easy. Based on the concept of James Clear on how to stick to new habits (which he explains in his book Atomic Habits), making your habit- or in this case, self care routine- as easy as possible is essential to help you stick to it.

But what do I mean by making it easy? For example, if one of your self-care activities is to drink water regularly, you could make this easy by having a next to you at all times a bottle of water.

If you want to take care of your skin, make sure to place all the products you are going to use in a visible place in your bathroom, or even next to your toothbrush.

Keep it simple. Related to the point above, make sure to keep your self care routine simple. Especially if you have a busy schedule. Don’t overcomplicate yourself.  Focus on self-care activities that make you feel good and balanced. The main reason we are creating a self care routine is to help you recharge, relax and take of yourself. Not to create one more point in your to-do list you avoid.

Leave room for spontaneity. Remember that sticking to a routine shouldn’t be exhausting (if it feels that way maybe it’s time to reassess). If you are someone who feels comfortable with having a plan for every minute of the day then go ahead. 

But, if that makes you feel “trapped” make sure to leave some room for spontaneity and improvising.

Focus on two weeks at a time. Commit to sticking to a new routine two weeks at a time. At the end of those two weeks reflect and assess what worked, what you still need to try, and things you would like to change to improve your self care routine. 

And that is all for today my dear!

I hope you enjoyed this ultimate guide on how to create a killer daily self-care checklist to invest in your overall well-being.

Don’t feel pressured to do every step on this list, focus on the ones that resonate the most with you and spark your interest. Remember that you ARE worthy of even your deepest desire!

What’s your favorite self-care activity? I´d love to read you in the comments!

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sofia success

Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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