9 Powerful ways to stay motivated this 2023

Jan 5, 2023 | Personal Development | 0 comments

This post is all about these 9 powerful ways to stay motivated this 2023.

We all enter the new year full of motivation and excitement to start fresh and achieve ALL of our new year resolutions (for real this time).

And so after we cheer to the new year, we say to ourselves, THIS IS GOING TO BE MY YEAR, the year I start building my dream life, become a better person, and actually accomplish something.

And that motivation lasts… about one month maybe even longer if you are lucky. You only need to go to the gym during the first three months of the year to see real-life proof of this.

Did you know that 92% of people don’t manage to accomplish their new year’s resolutions?

So what is the secret that those 8% of people know to actually accomplish those goals?

And what do I need to do in order to be part of that 8%? In other words, in what ways can I stay motivated this 2023 to achieve my goals?

ways to stay motivated

Learn how to set your goals

Even though the process of setting your goals doesn’t have much to do with motivation, it is an essential step that most people do wrong.

It is hard to stay motivated and continuously feel inspired if you have an unrealistic and unachievable goal.

It´s important to set your goals, however, just having a goal in mind is not going to help you achieve your dream life or reach your objectives.

To crush the process of goal setting you want to set T.A.R.G.E.T. goals, which you can learn how to do here!

The important part is taking the time to lay out a step-by-step plan and actually putting in the time and focus consistently to achieve those goals. And of course, making sure you can actually achieve them.

How to stay motivated by keeping goals front and clear

You would be surprised at the number of people who write their new year’s resolutions and then literally forget about them.

To avoid this, keep your goals in front of you. Read them every day and remind yourself what you are working towards.

It could be something like creating a vision board and hanging it in your room or saving it as wallpaper on your phone, or computer.

You can even create a huge poster with your goals written on it and put it in your bedroom or kitchen.

Whatever way you choose, make sure to display those goals in a place where you can regularly see them!

Ways to stay motivated. Start your days on a positive note

I think we can all agree that leaving that warm and cozy bed of ours is not the best way to start the day.

However, we always have the power to change the things we don’t like, in this case how we start our days.

So why not add a feel-good action to start our days on a positive note?

Try to incorporate into your morning routine something that makes you feel good and happy. And give your day from the first moment you wake up the best chance to be a great day.

It could be anything: listening to music, meditating, smiling (even if you don’t feel like it), writing a gratitude list, or even dancing.

The way we start our morning has a huge influence on how the rest of our day plays out, so why not leverage that influence to start our days on a great note?

I think we can all agree when you are in a good mood, you feel more prepared to tackle anything you have on your to-do list.

Every day you wake up is a new opportunity to achieve your dreams

Give meaning to your goals to stay motivated

When we set goals, we do have a reason for setting them.

However how many times do we actually reflect and leverage that why to achieve our goals?

Almost never. So right now I want to take a moment to reflect on your goals and resolutions for this year and right next to each one of them write your why.

Why do want to achieve this goal? How will your life change once you achieve it? And I want you to specifically focus on this last part.

Close your eyes and create a mental picture of how will your life change once you achieve this goal, focus on your emotions, your new lifestyle, your mindset… 

Aside from feeling highly motivating, your why will also bring you clarity over your goals.

Keep an evaluation plan or log to track your progress

Another great way to stay motivated is to keep track of the progress you are making.

We all feel a boost of motivation when we see that the efforts we are putting into something start giving results. However, sometimes we are so focused on the goal and the finish line, that we aren’t even aware of the progress we are making.

So as one of the ways to stay motivated this 2023, I encourage you to create an evaluation plan or log to track your progress.

If you have never created one or don’t know how to create one, here are a couple of key questions to help you create yours:

  • What different phases can your goals be divided into?
  • What are the priorities of each phase?
  • When do you need to get started on different phases of the goal?
  • When do you expect to complete each phase?
  • Who’s responsible for meeting each deadline?
  • Who will monitor the evaluation process to see whether corrections are needed?
  • What will you consider a successful result?
  • What measure will you use to track your progress on each phase (money made, customers reached, analytics, numbers…)?
  • Are some data already available that you can use to track this goal? 
  • What tools will you use to evaluate your progress (spreadsheet, app, accountability partner…)?

Decide on the frequency you will update this log (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly…), and remember to cherish and feel proud of the improvements you are making.

Aside from this, keeping track of your progress will also help you reevaluate and asses what’s working, what’s not, and try better strategies that will help you achieve your goals.

Ways to stay motivated. Set milestones and reward yourself

Depending on the goal you want to achieve, I highly recommend you to leverage the power of setting milestones.

Milestones are mini-goals that led up to the main goal. You can use them to keep yourself motivated throughout your journey and have something to look forward to.

To set milestones start at the top, the main goal, and work your way down to the beginning, where you are now. Remember to celebrate those milestones and reward yourself every time you achieve one, each small win is bringing you one step closer to your final goal.

Be open and trust the process.

Have you ever heard the quote: “Be stubborn about your goals, but flexible about your methods”?

Well whether you have heard it or not, I want you to adopt this mindset when achieving your goals.

It is true that one of the most essential steps when setting your goals is creating an action plan on how you will achieve them. 

The thing is life is unpredictable, and no matter how much we want to, things won’t always turn out we way we plan them to.

So yes, create an action plan, create habits and routines to support your goals, and schedule these tasks on your calendar, but don’t be rigid about these methods.

Sometimes the universe will bring you opportunities to achieve the goals you never thought of, sometimes those action plans won’t work out and you´ll have to create new ones.

But never feel discouraged, unmotivated, or think about quitting when this happens, be stubborn about achieving your goal, but flexible with your methods.

Ditch the perfectionism mindset

If you are a perfectionist or overachiever, then let me tell you something: You are doing incredibly well and doing an amazing job at reaching your goals.

Now, this is something that I have to tell myself as well as the die-hard perfectionist that I am.

It is easy to lose sight of your goal and get frustrated when things don’t go your way, or you are not getting results as fast as you would want to. But never beat yourself up for making mistakes, taking your time, and failing.

I think part of the reason we lose our motivation so quickly is because we have this impossible standard for ourselves and get disappointed when we don’t start seeing results as fast as we would want to.

Perfectionism is not striving to be excellent, it´s not self-improvement, or trying to be the best version of yourself.

Being a perfectionist lies in the belief that if we act, look and live perfectly then we will be protected from feelings like shame, judgment, disappointment, and pain.

However, being a perfectionist won’t help you become a better person and it won’t certainly help you achieve your goals.

When working towards your goals remember to strive for progress, not perfection. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t see results immediately, or if achieving your goals is taking more time than you thought.

Perfectionism is an armor that is keeping you from flying and actually building a life you love.

Tips to stay motivated. Master self-discipline

The last way to stay motivated I want to talk about is a bit contradictory, but nevertheless highly important when talking about achieving your goals.

Because even though motivation plays a big part when it comes to goals and it’s a feeling you have to “create” rather than feel, it most definitely isn’t your best friend or something you should rely on.

You have already felt it yourself, most days you don’t feel like going after your goals, you don’t want to exercise or choose that healthier meal option, or read that book you promised.

What I`m trying to say, is that most times we are able to achieve our goals not because we were motivated to do so, but rather because we pushed through all the excuses, limiting beliefs, and difficulties we encountered, because we were disciplined.

I know everyone has a bad reaction to hearing the word discipline. But if you are serious about achieving your goals, discipline will become your best friend.

Excuses make today easy, but tomorrow hard.

Discipline makes today hard, but tomorrow easy.

Final thoughts on ways to stay motivated

I hope the tips and steps in this blog post on ways to stay motivated to achieve your new year resolutions this 2023.

Don’t feel pressured to do every step on this list, focus on the ones that resonate the most with you and choose the activities that work for you and your goals.

Remember to have fun and believe in yourself, you ARE worthy of even your deepest desire!

What are your new year’s resolutions? I´d love to read you in the comments!

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sofia success

Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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