3 Best kept manifestation tips you need to know about

Jan 13, 2022 | Spirituality | 0 comments

Tired of not seeing your manifestations come true?

You are doing all the right things. You´re doing your visualizations, affirmations, tried various manifestation techniques, you even created a manifestation board…

But nothing is working, and you find yourself in the same position you started.

Well, don´t give up on the law of attraction just yet, because today I am going to share with you the 4 best-kept manifestation tips you probably didn´t know about!

manifestation journal

What is manifestation? 

Before we dive deep into these 3 manifestation tips that will successfully help you attract anything you want into your life, let´s first understand what manifestation is and how it works.

Manifestation is a technique used to attract, through belief and emotion, into our life any situation, person, or object. It is about matching your energy and vibrational frequency to the energy and frequency of the thing you desire.

This technique is based on both the law of attraction and the Vibrational principle- which is one of the seven universal laws of the universe-.

According to the principle of Vibration (The 7 Universal Laws of the universe- part 2), the universe is composed of atoms, which in turn are composed of small vortices of energy, and the union of these atoms is formed thanks to these vortices of energy that form a joint vibration.

In other words, everything in the universe is made up of atoms united by vortices of energies which cause things to have a vibration. All living and unanimated objects emit a vibration, even colors!

A person’s vibratory frequency is determined by his or her dominant thoughts and emotions.

These vibrations then travel through the ether/ universe affecting the matter it encounters and attracting to you matter that matches your frequency.

This brings us to the Law of Attraction which states that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on, meaning whatever occupies your dominant thoughts, will come back to you.

Everything that you have in your life you have attracted through your vibrational frequency.

Based on these two laws and the way they affect our life a method to use them to our advantage has been created which is MANIFESTATION.

Based on the laws manifestation was created with, different techniques have been developed to attract into your life any tangible thing you desire. Like, for example, visualization, scripting, meditation, prayer, vision boards…

Now that we have understood what manifestation is, let´s jump straight to the tips that will help you manifest anything you desire into your life.

manifestation journal ideas

Manifestation tip n1º: Pay attention to your thoughts.

The first and most important thing you need to know about manifestation is that like attracts like. As the Vibrational principle tells us, everything in the universe has a vibrational frequency.

Now, this vibration in humans is determined by our dominant thoughts or better said how these dominant thoughts makes us feel. When we think of something, on a subconscious or conscious level, these thoughts set off a chain of reactions that change our bodies’ frequency.

What this means is that our thoughts matter and whether we notice it or not, we are attracting things into our life 24/7.

Remember that manifestations are based on EMOTIONS. It´s not based on thoughts. However, just because the law of attraction is not based on thoughts it doesn´t mean they don´t play a part in our manifestations.

Something that most people don´t realize is affecting the manifestation process is the kind of thoughts and beliefs they have.

That´s why the first manifestation tip is to pay attention to your thoughts.

Don´t judge them, just notice them: what is their nature? Are they helping you attract what you desire? Or are they, on the contrary, creating resistance against what you want?

For example, you may want abundant wealth in your life while at the same time having dominant thoughts and beliefs that repeal the idea of having large amounts of money. 

Once you notice these thoughts ask yourself: Do you believe them? Do you believe those words that you are hearing in your mind?

The ultimate goal is to choose positive/ empowering thoughts you can believe on purpose instead of believing by default your negative thoughts.

I have a very simple exercise to help you achieve this.

Once you notice a negative thought that you recurrently have, I want you to write it down and rewrite it so that it has a positive effect on you.

Now, trying to change all your negative thoughts and beliefs at once may seem a little overwhelming, especially at the beginning.

 So I have an easier technique to help you elevate your vibration when you feel dominant thought poisoning your mind.

 To start pick one though that always brings you into a vibration of happiness and/or peace. It can be anything like I am so happy I have hair or I am so grateful for the love my parents gave me…

 It doesn´t even have to be related to what you are trying to manifest. You just have to pick one thought that makes you feel happy or at peace.

If you want to learn more about beliefs and they determine our mindsets, click here!

Manifestation tip N2º: Clarity

You need to be crystal clear about what you want in all ways possible.

You want to manifest your dream life, but what does that exactly look like? 

You may want success in your life, but in what way? By owning your own business, becoming the CEO of the company you work for…?

 You want to find a romantic partner, but do you know what are you looking for in a relationship and in a partner?

When we don´t have a clear idea of what we want we start sending confusing and mixed messages to the universe. How can we expect to receive what we want from the universe if we don´t even know what it is that we want?

So, choose one desire to focus on and become super clear about it. Write down in heavy detail what it is you want, describe the emotions, how this dream makes you feel. Close your mind and let your mind go to a place where your desire is already manifested in your life.

Now, don´t stress about the HOW, the universe will figure out how to give you what you desire, but first, you need to be clear about WHAT you desire.

manifestation affirmations

Manifestation tip N3º: Getting out of the wanting stage and learning to let go.

The 3rd and last manifestation tip is to learn to find the balance between wanting and letting go. It´s about releasing what you what and learning to let it go.

Did you know that the killer of any manifestation process is resistance/blockages and not trusting the process?

When you think about it, we have a desire for something because of how we think it will make us feel when we obtain it.

The problem with this is that, without realizing it, it puts us in a position of wanting. We suddenly can´t wait to have the thing to experience all the emotions this will bring into our life. We start thinking: “oh, once I have this my life will be perfect” or “I won´t have to worry about money anymore”, “once I have a partner, I´ll finally be happy”…

By wanting to be in a relationship, or being rich or healthy we are just obsessing with the idea and subconsciously feeling frustrated when our reality doesn´t match with what we desire. We are creating resistance and dependency.

This makes our heads fill with thoughts that bring our vibrational frequency down, attracting to us the opposite of what we desire. Remember that like calls like.

No amount of wanting and getting off the wanting is going to make you feel happy and complete, because wanting breeds for wanting.

Now, I want to share with you you a very important secret: the universe actually has an avoidant attachment style.

This means that you will attract what you desire as soon as you no longer need the thing to make you happy.

When we want something it doesn´t automatically mean that we are attracting that thing into our life. Wanting is not attracting.

Wanting puts us in a position of chasing instead of attracting. When we want something we are not elevating our energy to that of the thing we want, which is the most important thing to do if we want to successfully manifest something in our life.

So how can I achieve this? How can I go from chasing to attracting?

 It is quite simple actually. Only when you embody the feeling of having will the law of attraction respond and bring into your life the thing you desire. You first need to embody how it FEELS to have that thing.

Don´t wait to feel how you think obtaining what you desire will make you feel. Because by doing this you are setting yourself for failure.

In other words, if you want to be happy in a relationship, you first have to learn to be happy single. If you want to be rich because you believe it will make you happy, you have to learn how to be happy while being poor.

Let go of needing the thing you want. The trick to finding the balance between clearly expressing what we desire and letting it go is to practice being happy and at peace NOW.

When we let go of the thing we want we are realising resistance, clearing blockages. This causes the manifestation process to speed up, bringing into your life the things you desire faster.

Thank you so much for investing your time in reading this article and I hope the information in it will help you manifest and attract anything you desire in your life.

Remember that you are worthy of even your wildest desires!

If you want to learn how to create your own vision board to manifest your dream life, click here!

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sofia success

Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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