5 ultimate self improvement tips to become the best version of yourself

Nov 24, 2022 | Personal Development | 2 comments


This post is all about the ultimate self-improvement tips to become the best version of yourself this 2023!

So you decided that 2023 is going to be your year, the year you finally start investing in yourself, the year you are going to check all those goals from your resolution list.

And with all the motivation in the world, you start researching on Pinterest and google how to start your self-improvement journey and become the best version of yourself. But there is so much information out, where do I start? What should I focus on? What if I don´t have time to do those lengthy activities that are meant to help me figure out my entire life?

You are not alone. Everyone has been there. The moment you start researching, and you get paralyzed by all the information and tips.

But don´t worry because after reading this blog post, you´ll walk away with a clear mind and a list of actionable steps to help you become the best version of yourself this 2023!

Today I´ll be sharing with you the 5 ultimate self-improvement tips to develop yourself!

self improvement tips

Before we start, I do want to take this moment to say this: no matter what you read in this blog post or others, you are the one with the power to decide what is best for you, and what you need in your life to become your highest self.

Meaning, don´t trust every article out there to tell you what is best for you. What we will cover in this article are the basic areas in your life you need to work on to become your best self. But you are the one to decide if that activity or tip is going to serve you in life.

But how do I do that? How can I decide what is best for me and what I need? By doing two simple things. 

The first one is trusting your intuition. 

And the second one is by reflecting on your current situation, a.k.a your starting point. Take a moment to assess and evaluate how fulfilled and accomplished you feel in the different areas of your life (personal development, finances, spirituality, emotional intelligence, relationships, and career).

Try to assess which areas of your life you need and want to improve and start from. Then adapt all the information and tips to those areas of your life.

And having said that, let’s start with the 5 ultimate self-improvement tips to develop yourself!

How to improve yourself tip #1. Learn to say no

Let me ask you a question: how do you expect to focus and work on yourself when you keep spending your life focusing on others and their needs?

We have the bad habit of always saying yes, even to things we don´t actually want to, just to please the people around us.

But what about you? What about setting yourself and your goals as your biggest priorities in life?

So if you are a people pleaser and have a hard time saying no I want you to try this exercise:

For one week, I want you to say no to everything you normally say yes to, especially to the things you don’t want to do.

I want your first reaction to be “no”. Then take a couple of hours or even days to reflect on that activity/event: how it influences you if you have time to do it, and how do you feel about it…?

And then decide if you are actually going to do that activity or not.

At the end of the week take a moment to reflect on if this helped you, what are some things you could have done better, and off you go into the next week.

Self-improvement tips #2. Books are a girl’s best friend

I truly believe in today’s world books are underrated. Being a book lover is seen as being a nerd.

However, books are one of the most powerful tools ever created by mankind (and I say this with a totally unbiased opinion as a proud book junkie).

Jokes aside, I highly encourage you to reconnect with reading. There is something magical in stopping and concentrating on a piece of knowledge. As you absorb the new information, it is transforming you inside.

If you don´t know where to start, here are my top 3 personal development book recs.:

Personal development tips #3. Solitude breaks

In today’s society, we have a fear of being alone and being left out. We try to fill every second of our days with our jobs, relationships, chores… we feel awkward being alone.

But what if I told you it is one of the best things you could do for yourself?

Now I do want to clarify that solitude and loneliness are not the same things. 

Solitude is the choice of creating a situation where you are alone. It´s the ultimate “me time.” And it has so many benefits.

Think about it, when you are constantly giving to others and pouring into their cup, the more empty and hollow you feel. But that’s where this self-improvement comes in. Creating solitude moments will help you recharge and refill your cup.

So I want you to ask yourself: where can you create solitude breaks for at least 10 minutes?

Choose one or two activities to create solitude moments.

It could be even the smallest of things, like waking up before the rest of the house to make a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise or taking a walk around the park at the end of the day. Or even getting out of the house earlier to enjoy breakfast at a cafe.

You could even plan solo dates as a way to, first reconnect with yourself and second improve your self-love and self-esteem.

It may seem awkward and embarrassing at first. But I promise you, the more you do it the better relationship you´ll have with yourself and you will even start to crave those solitude moments.

Self-growth tips #4. Plan 3 main goals every week.

Number 4 in our self-improvement tips list is to plan 3 main goals every week.

Rome wasn’t conquered in a day. The same way that you are not going to become your best self overnight.

This tip is especially for all the fellow overachievers out there! If you can relate to this then you know how frustrating it can feel to set yourself dozens of goals and objectives only to be left with disappointing progress and a list full of incomplete goals.

And then the little voice in your head comes in, telling you that you are not good enough and will never make it.

But let me tell you something, you are good enough and can achieve all the goals you set for yourself.

However, you are projecting impossible standards, even for the superwoman that you are. So let’s tone it down and start with the basics.

This method will help you to focus on what is essential. Creating momentum with weekly wins.

The power created by those wins will start a change in your self-perception. You will start thinking of yourself as someone who gets things done, creating a sense of being proud of who you are. And that’s amazing!

Have in mind that you are not taking a step back by only setting 3 goals. In reality, you are allowing yourself to consistently grow while learning to prioritize.

Self Improvement tips #5. Mindful mornings

Mornings are a crucial part of our day and of our self-development plan.

I know the snooze button is lovely and very tempting to press in the mornings, but by the time you actually wake up, you are already late and running around the house to do everything you need to look presentable.

So in the end you leave the house feeling like you are already behind. Imagine the impact that has on your day, or even worse the effect long term.

But why is so harmful to hit the snooze button? During the first minutes of the morning, our subconscious is super vulnerable.

And what we are doing by continuously pressing the snooze button is telling our subconscious Ok, I am not good at keeping commitments to myself. I am always behind and late. Life is chaos, and that’s the way it is. Let’s apply this to all other areas of life now!”

Because the way you do one thing is the way you do all things, starting from the way you make your bed, to the way you do your job.

The good news is that you are in total control of the messages and words you give to your subconscious. Meaning that you can change that negative output into a positive one.

And how can I do that? Before you think about it, no you don´t need to wake up at 6 in the morning nor does it have to be complicated.

Let´s say for example that you need to wake up at 8:00 to have enough time in the morning to do everything you need to do.

Would your life be over if you woke up at 7:40? No? Great! Because those extra 5 minutes are going to set you apart from your old self!

Now, what I want you to do with those 5 minutes is what I call mindful mornings.

I want you to wake up with one goal in mind. For example, do a little meditation (here is a good one to start). Or make yourself some tea while you watch the sunrise.

Chose anything that will make you feel grounded and give you a sense of clarity. It doesn’t have to take too long.

Committing to doing those things (even for three minutes) will send the following message to your subconscious mind: “I am very committed! I put myself first and can do absolutely anything I set my mind to. Now, let’s apply this to all other areas of life!” 

Much better isn´t it?

Related articles:

The truth is that it doesn’t take much to start your personal development journey. But the most important thing to focus on is the small daily activities. 

Those little doses of commitment are the ones that will help you create momentum and real, lasting change.

If you want to start working on yourself right away, here are a couple of actionable steps we discussed throughout the blog post:

  • For a week say no to every activity you would normally say yes to. Then take your time to decide how this activity influences your life, and if you actually want to do it.
  • Choose 1 or 2 solitude activities to recharge and reconnect with yourself and try to fit them into your daily routine. Every weekend reflect on how you felt in those moments and try to experiment with different activities to create solitude moments.
  • Set 3 goals to focus on during each week that will bring you one step closer to becoming your highest self.

Thank you for investing your time in this article. I hope the tips, activities, and resources on it will help you become the best version of yourself this 2023!

Remember that you are worthy of even your deepest desire!

Now, before we say goodbye, what was your favorite self-improvement tip? I would love to read you in the comments!

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  1. Tami

    *Me encanta el tip de decir “no”. Personalmente lo he probado y es realmente transformador. Al principio me sentía incómoda y aprendí a ser más EMPATICa: cada vez que alguien me ofrecía un plan yo les contestaba que tenía que consultar mi agenda .Después de años , cada vez que surge ALGO no
    planificado, no me tuerce los planes. Tengo una amiga muy cercana que a todo le dice si y más de alguna vez me la he encontrado DESBORDADA o fuera de si. Nada es imposible si te lo propones. Gracias y a seguir creciendo.

  2. Sofia Moroianu Dumbrava



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sofia success

Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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