12 Genuine strategies to keep yourself motivated and achieve your goals

May 18, 2023 | Personal Development | 0 comments

This post is all about the best strategies to keep yourself motivated.

Motivation is a drive that helps people achieve their goals. But staying motivated to achieve your goals can be challenging sometimes. 

We are living in a fast-paced world that is constantly changing. And with these changes, new challenges and opportunities are coming every single day. It’s essential to stay motivated and focus on your goals if you want to succeed in life. 

Why Is Motivation Important?

1) Outside motivation can help you get through hard times. The fact is, we all face it at some point in our lives. And we all need support and a reminder that we have the ability to achieve what we want. Even though you are not seeing results right now, staying motivated and hopeful that things will get better eventually, will help you keep going. 

2) It’s a driving force that pushes you to take action.

3) Motivation increases productivity. 

4) Motivation allows you to bounce back after a major setback.

If you think you are not feeling motivated to take action for whatever reason, I would suggest checking out these 12 strategies.

These strategies will help you find your motivation and that won’t be a temporary motivation. 

strategies to stay motivated

12 Strategies to keep yourself motivated

1) Is Your WHY Motivating Enough?

We all have our WHYs. But the question you want to ask yourself is whether your WHY is motivating enough to push you to take real action. 

If you are not sure why you are doing what you are doing, chances are that is the reason you are not feeling motivated. 

And in this case, I would recommend you take a step back and get your WHY clear. Otherwise, you will feel stuck more often and it will frustrate you to not be able to get the results. 

Here are a couple of questions you want to ask yourself to know your WHY:

1) Is this something I am passionate about?

2) Is it providing any value to me (or other people)?

3) Am I enjoying the process?

4) What will happen if I quit doing it right now? Will it affect me in any way? If yes, then how?

The last question is important as it will make it clear whether your goal is important enough for you and from there you’ll be able to clear your WHY as well. 

2) See Your WHY more often to keep yourself motivated

Do you know that the vast majority of people who make a new year’s resolution give up within a month? 

It’s a shocking number, right? The most common reason people give up on their goal is that they forget about it after a couple of days or maybe weeks.

As they don’t have any physical sort of thing to remind them every single day what they want to do and WHY. They tend to forget about it. 

The thing with our mind is, it works through fear and desire. And if you write WHY exactly you want something and what will happen if you don’t achieve it, you’ll instantly get that urge to take action. 

PS- If you have ever given up on your goals or have difficulty being consistent, consider creating a vision board that you can look at least 2-3 times a day. 

3) Hang Around With Like-Minded People

One of the best ways to find motivation and stay motivated is to find and spend time with like-minded people. They will help you open your mind to new opportunities and see the world a little differently. 

If they already have become what you want to be, chances are you will get good guidance and a lot of precious life lessons which in the long run save you years. 

You must be thinking about how to find such people if they are not already on your contact list. There are tons of ways to do that.

1) Reading a book by someone who inspires you.

2) Watching their videos on YouTube.

3) Listening to their podcasts.

4) Attending seminars. 

You don’t have to meet them in a coffee shop every other day. We are so lucky to have the internet and so much valuable information available to us. 

4) Strategies to keep yourself motivated. Adapt to Changes 

We are living in a world where we must be willing to adapt ourselves as needed as everything is changing so fast. New technologies are coming around all the time, and people shifting their methods to work where no employee ever thought they would be able to work from home. 

To get where you want to go, you must be flexible enough to adapt to changes quite quickly.

If you find that something is not working out as you thought, then changing a couple of different things and finding alternative ways is crucial to stay motivated and improving yourself (as you’ll be learning new things all the time that will boost your confidence in yourself). 

5) Find your own motivation

The fifth tip on our list of strategies to keep yourself motivated is to find your own motivation.

Nothing can beat the motivation that comes from within. 

And that being said you need to find something that motivates you and that is your WHY that we discussed earlier. Outside motivation comes and goes but when you are self motivated, you don’t have to find your “reasons” outside as it is already within you and you are very well aware of that.

If your motivation comes from deep within, you also tend to be a more creative, productive and happy person. 

6) Visualize your success 

Our imagination is so powerful. Every reality was once someone’s imagination. 

When you visualize your dreams and success, you are getting clear about what you want and indirectly you are working on your subconscious mind which will benefit you in the short and long term. 

While visualizing you need to create a distraction-free environment and take a deep breath to feel relaxed and free from mental chatter. 

Here’s a great article on the power of visualization and how it works

7) Build self discipline 

Self discipline is another form of self love.  

And when you are self disciplined you make yourself proud. And this version of yourself will be more motivated to take action and do things more mindfully. 

Self discipline often requires short-term sacrifices for your long-term goals. You will have to constantly remind yourself of the gains you will get after staying disciplined. 

Here are some examples of a self discipline person- 

  • Eat fresh and healthy food.
  • Take a good night’s sleep.
  • Staying committed to yourself. 
  • Set deadlines and stick to them.
  • Minimize procrastination and laziness. 
  • Practice self care.
  • Practice self reflection. 

Related- 71 Questions To Ask Yourself For Self Growth 

8) Best strategies to keep yourself motivated. Track Your Progress 

Most people gloss over this step as this does not motivate them as much. Especially when they are just getting started and aren’t seeing much growth.

But tracking your progress at the end of every month lets you know what is working and where your time should be spent. 

I can relate that it might not be the most fun and enjoyable task to do. But tracking your progress will inspire you to grow and also let you know how far you’ve come.

Even if you are not where you thought you would be it is still worth tracking, celebrating, and moving forward.  

Tracking your progress can be really motivating when you start doing it. 

9) Get enough sleep 

If you ever had a sleepless night (I guess we all experienced that) you would know how we feel the next day- sleepy, unmotivated, lazy, and want to procrastinate all day until we feel fresh again after a good night’s sleep.

 Similarly, if you go to bed at random hours and wake up at random hours, you won’t feel your best either. 

Here are some ways to feel motivated by getting enough sleep-

  • Have at least 7-8 hours of sleep
  • Go to bed at the same time every day.
  • Wake up at the same time every day. Even on the weekends.
  • Stop using your electronics at least 30-1h before bed to calm your mind. If your mind isn’t calm, you’ll spend your night turning and tossing. 

10) How to motivate yourself. Exercise regularly 

Do you know our body releases endorphins (which is a feel-good hormone) when we exercise?

When you physically feel happy your level of motivation will increase too.

P.S.- I was not someone who could spend hours at the gym but getting myself to work out 5-6 times a day is the best habit I developed. It took me more than a year. Before that, I would force myself to work out one day and never exercise for the next 15 days. 

I now make sure that I don’t let 3 days go without exercise. If you struggle with this too, I recommend you to read and watch more and more about moving your body.  Know more about the benefits and start with 3-4 times a week and allow yourself to rest too. 

Next week you’ll find more motivation to do it. 

11) Believe in yourself 

You decided to make your vision a reality. You make a plan and you are facing a lot of unexpected challenges now.

If you don’t believe that you are worthy of what you decided to do, it is highly unlikely to happen. 

Believing in yourself and self motivation is crucial. The motivation that comes from deep within has the power to completely change your life. 

A lot of people struggle with believing in themselves not because we can’t do what we want to, but because this society has designed us this way. Nobody teaches us in school how to believe in our own abilities. 

If you tried many times before but still can’t believe in yourself, you may want to find the root cause of the problem to discover what is stopping you from believing in yourself. 

If you think you are your own biggest self-critic then you might like this post on how to start a self love journey (while self-criticism is a healthy way to know your flaws, too much of anything can be harmful as well). 

12) Don’t let failures get to your heart

Failures- we don’t like it. Nobody likes it. But it is part of everyone’s life. People who never failed, never really risked anything, and who never risked anything never truly lived outside of their comfort zone.

Your comfort zone is not a place for growth. 

No matter how big that failure might be. Even though there are people around telling you that you failed miserably and now it will be difficult to get your life together.

You on the other hand think “I will get through it” because you are confident, motivated and self aware.

That it is a part of life just like anything else in this world. 

Related- Confidence Challenge- How To Become A Confident Person

How To Overcome Major Setbacks In Life. 

About the author – Disha is a personal development enthusiast and creator of a stunning new life blog where she shares all her life experiences and provides ideas and helpful info on mindset and lifestyle-related topics that helps people make better life decisions and live their life to the fullest.

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