Top 5 manifestation techniques you NEED to know about to manifest  your dream life

Mar 3, 2022 | Spirituality | 1 comment

This post is all about manifestation techniques!

Looking to manifest your dream life but don´t know where to start or even how to manifest?

Confused about all the manifestation techniques you´ve seen on the internet and not sure which one is the best for you or which one is the most effective?

If you feel identified with any of these, then you are in the right place, because today I am sharing with you the top 5 manifestation techniques you need to know about to manifest your dream life, and how to discover which one is best for you!

Let´s begin…

manifestation techniques

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What is manifestation?

Let´s start with the basics which is what is manifestation?

Manifestation is a technique used to attract, through belief and emotion, into Your life any situation, person, or object. It is about matching your energy and vibrational frequency to the energy and frequency of the thing you desire.

Now, this technique is based on two laws:

The first one is the Vibrational Principle -one of the seven universal laws of the universe– which states that everything in the universe is made up of atoms united by vortices of energies that cause things to have a vibration, meaning that all living and unanimated objects emit a vibration, even colors!

A person’s vibratory frequency is determined by his or her dominant thoughts and emotions.

And the second one is the law of attraction which says that you will attract into your life whatever you focus on, meaning whatever occupies your dominant thoughts, will come back to you.

Everything that you have in your life you have attracted through your vibrational frequency.

Something very important that need to always have in mind if you want to manifest something in your life is that you NEED to raise your vibration to that of the object/person/situation you want to attract.

What to dive deeper into is the law of attraction and manifestation? Click here!

But how do we do this? How can I raise my vibrations? And how do I know which method is best for me?

To manifest anything you want in your life there are numerous methods you can try and use to attract what you desire into your life.

As to how do you know which one is the best for you, is a matter of trial and error. Experimenting which one works best for you, makes you feel comfortable and gives you results.

Remember that the ultimate purpose of any manifestation technique is to help you raise your vibration and match it to the person/object/situation you want to attract in your life.

 Having said this, these are the top 4 manifestation techniques you can use to manifest your dream life:


Visualization consists of letting ideas, thoughts, dreams… form as mental images in the eyes of the mind.

What makes visualization such an effective and powerful technique is that the brain cannot actually distinguish between reality and imagination.

In other words, when you present your mind with these mental images of your dream life, it cannot determine whether they are real or not.

You can use this to your advantage by tricking your subconscious into thinking this reality that you have created is real therefore anchoring it into your subconscious.

Remember that we attract things into our life through our emotions, dominant thoughts, and actions. So by anchoring this dream reality into our subconscious, we are actually conditioning our minds to match our current reality with that of our subconscious.

But how can I use visualization?

The ultimate goal of visualizations is to visualize your ideas and dreams until they feel real, so once this new reality has been absorbed by our subconscious mind, this one will do everything it can to live up to that reality, attracting it to us.

To achieve this there are many techniques and methods that you can use, but they all should help you visualize the inner pictures of your dream reality in the strongest and most realistic way possible.

Here is an example of a basic visualization method you can start with:

  • Look for a quiet place where you can´t get distracted or interrupted.
  • Relax your mind and body. Start with your breathing, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths. Inhale through your nose, count to 4, and exhale through your mouth. Repeat a couple of times until you feel your body and mind relax.
  • Now is the time to visualize. Create in your mind a detailed image of what you desire. What it is you see? Where are you? Picture even the littlest of details like the colors, the sounds, the textures, the tastes…
  • Recreate yourself in the emotions you feel now that you are living your dream reality, now that you have achieved your dreams.

You can stay in this state of visualization as long as you and once you feel that feeling of achievement and high vibration you can open your eyes again.

Your Perfect Day

Another visualization method you could use is called “The Perfect Day” and as the name suggests this manifestation technique consists of designing and visualizing your perfect day. 

We would take the steps of the previous method but know instead of imaging your dream life (in a bigger picture) you visualize your day from start to finish where everything you desire has already manifested in your life.

Remember to THINK BIG and not restrict yourself, you can be whatever you want, be wherever you what, and do whatever you want.

Visualize things like in what city do you live in, is it a house, an apartment, is it big, small. How is it decorated? Are you alone, or is there someone with you? What does your lifestyle look like? How is your health, what kind of food do you eat, do you exercise? What activities are you doing during the day? What does your routine look like? How do you spend your free, what are your hobbies? What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

What does your job/business look like? How do you earn money? What does your bank account look like? What goals do you have? Are you happy?

The 55×5 and the 3x6x9 manifestation method

The second manifestation technique of this list is the 55×5 method. This method, which is a mix of affirmations and journaling, consists of using the power of words and repetition to attract what you desire.

To use this method, you first have to choose a goal/ dream you want to attract. Once you have chosen this the next step is to formulate and define this goal with a powerful affirmation statement, one that gives you chills every time you read it.

When writing your affirmation make sure it is written in the present tense, that is short and specific and that is a positive affirmation. 

Little tip: If you want to speed up the manifestation process make sure to include some form of gratitude in your affirmation to make it even more powerful! 

For example: “I am so grateful that I have/am…”

Now that you have your incredibly effective affirmation you have to write it down 55 times a day for 5 days in a row. 

Then we have a similar technique called the 3x6x9 method, in which instead of writing your affirmation 55 times a day 5 days in a row, you write it 3 times in the morning, 6 times during the day, and 9 times in the afternoon.

The truth about the 55×5  and the 3x9x6 manifestation techniques

Even though these manifestation techniques have a lot of success stories, the truth is that these methods alone will probably not help you manifest your dream life, because to manifest something in your life it´s not enough with visualizing and believing that desire will manifest in your life, but you also have to take action.

The manifestation process is much bigger and more complex than writing on a piece of paper a certain amount of times a powerful affirmation. And even though these methods are fantastic and incredibly effective in activating the manifestation process and reprograming your subconscious mind remember not to rely on them solely for your manifestation process, but rather to use them as complementary methods. 

Vision Boards

Vision boards are a manifestation technique that uses images to help you manifest.

It consists of creating a board (it can be digital or physical) where you create a collage with images that represent your biggest dreams and goals you want to achieve.

Once you have created your board you have to put it someplace visible, where you can see it at least once a day. The secret to this manifestation method is to connect with your dreams and goals every time you see your vision board.

In other words for this method to successfully work it´s not enough with creating your vision board, you need to actually visualize your dream life, how your life will look once you achieve those goals,  get excited, and connect with your emotions.

By doing this you are ultimately raising your vibrations to that of the things you want to attract and successfully manifesting them into your life.

If you want a more detailed guide on how to successfully create a vision board, click here!


Scripting is a manifestation technique that consists of writing in detail the reality you want to manifest into your life. It is a method that allows us to attract through words, almost like creating a story.

This is a great technique if you find it hard to visualize your dream life and feel more comfortable with words.

To make sure that you are using this incredibly powerful method to maximize its results there are some essential guidelines you need to follow:

  • The first one is to write in the present tense. This is because by writing your dreams in the present tense you are expressing that your desires are already yours, that you have already manifested them, speeding the manifestation process.

So always try to start your sentence, or include the verbs: “I have…”, “I am…”, “it is…”.

  • Remember to be extremely detailed and clear about the reality you are writing about. Being detailed when writing your story or dream reality will help you connect on a deeper level with what you what to desire.

When doing this, be careful not to obsess over these small details, but rather see this exercise as a personal practice to communicate your dreams to the universe.

  • The third scripting guideline is to not forget about your emotions and feeling. When scripting about that reality don´t forget to express your emotions, how living your dream life makes you feel.

Manifestation is based on EMOTIONS, even though our dominant thoughts and mindset play a big role during manifestation, what truly makes a difference in becoming a magnet of the things we desire is our emotions. 

That is why expressing your emotions and feeling is a key part not only for scripting to work but for any manifestation method.

Here are two ideas you can try to use scripting:

Write a letter to the universe

This example of scripting simply consists of writing a letter in which you describe to the universe in detail your dream reality or whatever you desire and want to manifest into your life.

Write a diary

Instead of a letter, you could also focus your scripting/ story as if you were writing a diary entry. For example, if you want to manifest into your life living in London you could write something like this:

“Dear diary

Today I wake up in my apartment in the city center of London to a cloudy day.  I get out of my bedroom with the most beautiful views of the city, to get a cup of coffee and start the day…”

Thank you so much for investing your time in this article. I hope the manifestation techniques, tips, and exercises in this article will help you manifest the dream reality that you dream about and deserve. Go girl!

Which of these manifestation techniques was your favorite? I´d love to read in in the comments!

Want to discover the 3 best-kept manifestation secrets you NEED to manifest your dream life?

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1 Comment

  1. Tami

    Gracias por ofrecer este espacio y la oportunidad de poder compartir como aprendices que somos! Llevo años practicando estas técnicas que compartes aquí y no me canso de aprender más y más cada día, experimentando aquello que aprendo. Funcionan para mí y funcionarán para cada uno de nosotros siempre y cuando “! así lo creamos !”. Un fuerte abrazo para toda la comunidad.


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 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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