The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe (part 4)

Oct 28, 2021 | Spirituality | 0 comments

We all know and have learned in school that the world is governed by the laws of physics, such as gravity.

What we were not taught in school is that the complex and precious world we live in is governed by universal laws that condition and alter our lives.

In the previous articles (The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe- part 1, The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe- part 2, and The 7 Universal Laws of the Universe- part 3) we learned that because of the Mentalism Law we create our own reality with our mind. We know now that we live in a world of dualities- the inner world and the outer world and that inside our inner world, meaning the Metaphysical world there is an infinite field of variables, of possible futures. Our thoughts are the ones that decide which variable manifests itself in the Physical world – the outer world. Now emotions are the ones in charge of giving life to that variable.

We know thanks to the Vibration principle that everything is composed of energy and that everything has a vibration. Your brain emits a certain vibration that has attracted and attracts anything that matches your vibrational frequency. And finally, the principle of Rhythm, which tells us that the reality we want to see manifested in the physical world happens as long as you do not destabilize the balance and the pendulum remains stable.

We are in the final stretch. Are you ready to unlock the last secrets you need to know to start building the life of your dreams TODAY?!

Principle of cause and effect

“Sow a thought and you will reap an act:

Sow an act and you will reap a habit;

Sow a habit and you will reap a character;

Sow a character and you will reap a destiny”.

Our brain is an engine that generates thoughts, thoughts that emit a vibration affecting everything around us. And we already know thanks to the Law of Rhythm that this vibration attracts towards us everything that vibrates in the same frequency.

Do you believe that luck exists?

Does luck really exist or is it all a product of the way we think, feel and speak?

The law of cause and effect tells us how everything we do, think, and feel has an effect on our life and our future. We attract to us those things that have the same vibrational frequency as our own. This vibrational frequency is determined by our dominant thoughts, which are influenced by our beliefs.

It all starts with us and our minds. So is there really a law of chance or rather a law of causality?

If you want to know your past, then look at your present which is the result. If you want to know your future, then look to your present, which is the cause.


Every cause is an action and actions are a bridge between the visible and the invisible. Action is a bridge between beliefs, thoughts, words (the invisible), and our results (the visible). It is a bridge between what is in our mind and the physical world.

The formula of manifestation


Our beliefs determine what we say. Our words determine what we think and these determine the emotional state we have, i.e. our emotions. These can be positive or negative. Our emotions, what we feel determine our actions. What we do or don’t do determines our results.

We learned in the previous article that everything is first gestated in the Metaphysical world, that is the mental, spiritual or intangible plane. Thinking about our objectives and goals often is an action, one that brings us one step closer to seeing them manifested in the physical world.

Actions generate energy, and as you know, everything is made up of energy. Everything is made of atoms that have around them vortices of energy that link them to other atoms. Therefore the more actions you perform, the closer you will be to your dreams.

The main task of the brain

Did you know that our brain is trained to see evil? But why? Because the main task of the brain is survival.

Millions of years ago when our ancestors lived in the jungle, the task of their brain was to detect danger, their life depended on it.

This task is still active in the brain, that’s why we tend to focus more on the negative and the bad things, our brain is a detector that filters the world around us in search of anything that might be a danger to us. It is trained to see the worst in every situation.

What prevents us from achieving our dreams?

The biggest force that will prevent you from taking action and achieving your dreams is FEAR. Fear is a feeling that paralyzes the brain and prevents it from acting.

Remember that our mind is a scanner that filters the world around us looking for things that can endanger our survival.

When our brain finds something unknown or dangerous, it goes into a state of alert and activates the state of survival, fear.

One important thing you should know about the human brain is that it is the greatest soap opera scriptwriter in history, it is a drama queen.

Our brain’s mission is to protect us and keep us within the COMFORT ZONE. That is to say, that warm and familiar zone in which we live. In this zone, the brain feels safe, because it knows for sure that there is nothing nearby that can put us in danger.

Do not fool yourself, nor let your brain lie to you. Just because your comfort zone is safe and known, doesn’t mean it’s good for you. Our brain is able to feel safe even in misfortunes because what matters is not what is good for it or not, but what is known.

Our mind will do everything it can to keep us in our comfort zone. It will invent and try to convince you with all the necessary arguments that you are fine where you are, that you do not leave your comfort zone.

Every time we try something new or start a new project, it will tell us “what if I don’t succeed…, what if I lose money…, what if I make a fool of myself…, what if people laugh at me…”.

Our mind’s favorite word is the “what if…”

But fear is a creative energy just like love, only it brings negative things into our life. Love or fear polarizes our thoughts and our vibration depends on them and consequently what we attract to ourselves.

What cause are you going to choose? What kind of energy do you want to create your future with? What path are you going to choose?

“We don’t dare to do many things because they are difficult, but they are difficult because we don’t dare to do them.”


Principle of generation

Nothing can exist without the principle of generation, i.e. without its father or mother.

In order for you to create your reality, there must be something that creates it and that something is love and intelligence.

Intelligence is our mind, our thoughts. Love is our soul, our emotions, our feelings. Only when our mind and our soul are in agreement our reality is created.

You decide with your mind. But what makes those thoughts manifest on the physical plane is the soul. Why?

Our mind emits thoughts, those thoughts emit emotions and those emotions lead you to action.

Once we train our mind to stay in the positive pole and emit thoughts that vibrate and decree what we want, instead of what we don’t want, we only need our soul to agree, to be in tune with what the mind wants.

Remember that if the mind and soul are not in syntony, what you want will not manifest in your life.

Manifestation and the art of creating our reality is a mechanism that consists of two parts – the mind and the soul.

With the mind, we think and decide what we want. When we often visualize what we want, we are making our souls get used to it. When what we desire is in the comfort zone of our soul, then it manifests it from the spiritual world to the material world.


“You don’t attract what you want, but what you are”

-Wayner Dyer.

Another important thing when creating with our mind the reality of our dreams, it is not enough to think and visualize what we want. We have to become what we want.

Most people have something and act according to it. For example, a person with money acts as a rich person, and then he is rich. But the order is completely the other way around, first, you must act like a rich person and be a rich person, by doing this you will attract all kinds of riches into your life.

You become what you think. Wealth, success, health, love come to you by the kind of person you become.

Quantum physics tells us that all possibilities already exist in the universe. In the world of possibilities, there are already all the variants, in it, there is a rich self, a triumphant self, a successful self, an abundant self, a poor self, a frustrated self…

The work of our mind and our thoughts is to choose one of the variants. But what will make them manifest in the physical world are the emotions.

Our task is to isolate one of the variants, one of the possibilities with our mind and bring them to life through emotion. Love and fear are two of the primary emotions, the two creative energies. That is why when we fear something we manifest it, and when we love it we manifest it.

Going back to the key part of manifesting, which is not just thinking about what we want but becoming what we want, once we have chosen the variant we want and we have brought it to life with the emotion, for the rest of the day you should act as if it has already manifested in your life.

For you to understand the importance of this step I will give you an example.

There are people who ask for more money in their life. They visualize themselves with more money, but then they go out in the street and talk about crisis, poverty, that they have no money…

In this case, the mind and soul are not in tune, therefore their desire will not manifest.

You have to live it as if it were real as if you already had it and only then you will have it. Only then will you see what you desire manifested in your life.

How to live the life of your dreams using the seven universal laws of the universe?

Now that we have learned about the 7 universal laws of the universe and how they affect our life, how can you use them to live the life of your dreams?

Applying all the principles, it would be something like this: the principle of mentalism chooses a goal and selects one of the variables of the metaphysical world – the principle of correspondence. Then you polarize it by means of emotion, love (or fear). When you unite thought and emotion (principle of mentalism and correspondence) you begin to emit a vibration through the heart. In this case, you are generating a cause that brings back its effect to produce a new generation, a new reality, a new result. This will be fulfilled as long as you do not destabilize the balance and the pendulum remains stable (principle of rhythm).

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Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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