86 Powerful daily mantras to boost your motivation

Sep 14, 2023 | Personal Development | 0 comments

This post is all about these 86 killer daily mantras to raise your vibration.

Ready to start your mornings with a bang and raise your vibrations?

Whether you are seeking affirmations for mental health, self-love, self-confidence, and productivity, or simply looking for morning and nighttime affirmations to boost your energy levels – this comprehensive guide has got you covered.

Positive affirmations are like daily mantras that we can use to rewire our minds and cultivate a more positive outlook on life. 

By incorporating these powerful affirmations into your daily routine, you can start each day with a renewed sense of purpose and enthusiasm. They have the potential to shift your mindset from one of doubt and negativity to one of empowerment and possibility.

So let’s dive in and turn every day into an opportunity for growth and positivity!

Our minds are the most powerful asset we have. It has the power to destroy and limit us. Or on the contrary, empower us to achieve greatness.

But what determines the outcome? Well, it’s actually a mixture of things, but it all comes down to our mindset.

And what is going to affect our mindset is our inner voice- a.k.a. the way we speak to ourselves, and our limiting beliefs.

These two things have the power to completely change our outlook on life.

Our inner voice

It’s the first and last voice you hear every day. It’s the one that encourages you to take action. Sadly most times that voice is the one that stops you from going after your dreams because you won’t make it.

Or that you should speak up because no one really cares about your opinion. Or to not ask that cute guy from across the bar out because he won’t probably find you attractive.

And another thousand examples and negative comments that keep us in our comfort zone. Cozy and safe from the outside world, where we can’t face challenges and god forbid fail.

But outside that comfort zone is where we grow, and where we can actually achieve our goals.

Related post: 5 Powerful ways to reframe your negative self talk

Our limiting beliefs

Then we have our limiting beliefs.

Based on our experiences, our education, the place, and the conditions we grew up in, a set of beliefs is printed in our subconscious.

The strongest beliefs are recorded from the age of 0-15. And the interesting thing about the subconscious is that it acts first with the dominant desires that have been mixed with emotional feelings, (such as faith, fear, hope, hatred…).

Now these beliefs can be empowering or limiting.

The interesting thing about the mind is that 95% of the time it acts on autopilot. Meaning it acts based on the belief we have recorded in our subconscious about ourselves, the world around us, between other things.

So if most of those beliefs are negative and limiting, your inner voice will be negative and thus your mindset.

Related post: Self limiting beliefs 2023- The ultimate guide to overcome your limiting beliefs

So that you know the two biggest factors that influence our mindsets, how can we change our mindset to turn our mind into a safe and empowering space?

Well, one of the most used methods is affirmations. Affirmations are sentences used to reprogram our subconscious mind. They can also be used to make us believe certain things about ourselves and the world or environment surrounding us.

Affirmations are also used as a way to manifest the things we want in our lives (wealth, love, happiness, relationships…). In this method, they are used as part of the autosuggestion technique, which basically consists of intentionally feeding your subconscious with empowering thoughts.

Here are 87 daily mantras to raise your vibrations, but make sure to stick to the end to learn how to effectively use affirmations to raise your vibrations and show up as your true self!

Daily affirmations and mantras

Daily affirmations

  1.  I believe that I am capable of giving back in abundance.
  2. Nothing controls my life except my own thoughts and beliefs
  3. Through absolute belief and expectancy, all good things come into my life
  4. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing
  5. I am always attracting the right kind of people into my life
  6. I believe I am becoming wealthier every day
  7. Life is happening for me – not to me.

Morning affirmations

  1. Today I create miracles in my life
  2.  I am filled with positive expectations
  3. I am centered and at peace
  4. I will achieve great things through small steps
  5. I am grateful for all that I have
  6. Everything I need is within me
  7. I accept the abundance and blessings that come my way
  8. I attract love, happiness, and fulfillment into my life.
  9. I am never behind. My time is divinely guided
  10. The past doesn’t define me. Today I am choosing to write the story that I desire. 

Nighttime affirmations

  1. Life is happening for me – not to me.
  2. While I sleep, the Universe is moving things in my favor.
  3. As I sleep my body, mind, and soul are aligned with my higher self
  4. It’s safe to rest, knowing I am being taken care of by the Universe
  5. I let go of all the negativity of this day.
  6. I have all I need to have a great day tomorrow
  7.  I allow my body to restore and recharge with ease.
  8. I am grateful for having a warm bed waiting for me
  9. I am grateful for all the opportunities that tomorrow will bring.
  10. I let go of what I can’t control and gladly embrace trust.
  11. I am grateful for this day and its purpose on my journey. I release this day now.

Daily mantras. Self confidence affirmations

  1.  I believe I am whole and have everything I need to take on the world.
  2. My unwavering faith in myself is the foundation of my success in life.
  3. As Michelle Obama said: “Am I good enough? Yes, I am”
  4. I’m better than I used to be. Better than I was yesterday. But hopefully not as good as I’ll be tomorrow (Marianne Williamson)
  5.  I believe in myself, everything I need it’s already inside of me. 
  6. I am brave. I always speak my mind with power.
  7. I will do things that have never been done before. I challenge the impossible.
  8. I don’t limit myself because of the limited minds of others.
  9. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see beauty
  10. I dress for myself and feel comfortable in whatever I wear
  11. I am proud of who I have become and will continue to be my true self
  12. I wake up feeling strong, empowered, and energized

Self love affirmations

  1. I am loved just for being who I am, just for existing
  2. The secret of attraction is to love yourself
  3. I embrace the beautiful mess I am
  4. My mind is a beautiful and peaceful place to be.
  5. I let go of all the beliefs that have been holding me back. 
  6. I am healthy, fit, and capable of making all my dreams come true.
  7. My self esteem is not a direct result of my results. 

Productivity affirmations. Daily mantras for women

  1. I finish all my projects before starting new ones
  2.  I feel motivated to take action today
  3. My productivity is unlimited, and I will always make progress
  4. I am in control of my productivity, and I make effective use of my time.
  5. My productivity increases with each day that passes.
  6. My results are a reflection of the effort I put in
  7. I prioritize tasks so that I can be as productive as possible.
  8. I am laser-focused and will stay on track with my goals today.
  9. I will find creative solutions for my projects.
  10. I have the ability to create an efficient workflow.
  11. My productivity today is an investment in the future I want for myself.
  12. I am in charge of how I choose to spend my time, energy, and focus each day.
  13. I give myself permission to take breaks and reset when I need it.
  14. I deserve to rest and take care of myself whenever I need it

Affirmations to boost your motivation

  1. I believe I am one step closer to achieving my goals.
  2. The perfect moment is this one
  3. Your life is about to be incredible
  4. Failure is just another way to learn how to do something right (Marian Wright Edelman)
  5. I believe in my ability to create my own life
  6. I believe that I have the right to live the life I desire.
  7. I have the power to turn setbacks into success.
  8. Why be moody when I can shake my booty?
  9. This day is mine for the taking
  10. I’m going to work so I don’t have to settle for a champagne taste on a malt liquor budget
  11. Even the worst days have 24h
  12. I trust my intuition to make the right decision for myself

Daily affirmations for mental health

  1. Conscious breathing is my anchor
  2. Nobody else is responsible for my happiness but ME
  3. I take good care of myself without feeling guilty about it.
  4. I will no longer compare myself to other people
  5. ​​Today I will listen to what I truly need – both physically and emotionally
  6. 5. I have people who love and care for me.
  7. The negative thoughts I have can be turned into positive thoughts
  8. People love and care for me – and see my good qualities even when I don’t.
  9. I can and will be strong again.
  10.  I am proud of getting through my bad days
  11. It is hard, but I will not give up on loving myself fully.
  12. The challenges I face make me stronger every day
  13. When I feel worried, I will take a deep breath and think about________(positive situation)

Affirmations tips

Using affirmation in your life daily has many benefits. But it’s not enough to just recite them every morning or night.

So to use them effectively, it’s important to understand the power of each affirmation so that you can choose which ones are most suitable for your personal journey. 

Why won’t my affirmations work if I just read them out loud?

Because for a thought to be recorded in the subconscious, it MUST be accompanied by a strong emotion. This means that when we read our affirmations out loud, we need to combine them with a feeling.

Don´t worry, this is fairly easy to do. You simply have to read your affirmations and think about the emotions and feelings they evoke in you. Let yourself be carried away by these feelings, by how they make you feel, how they influence your life…

Spend a few moments reflecting on each affirmation before taking a deep breath and repeating the statement out loud. 

Another powerful technique you can use to activate your energy is writing down the self-care affirmations in a journal or on sticky notes and putting them up around your home.

Other ways you can include this practice into your daily routine is by putting in your wallpaper an affirmation you want to focus on or even including them in your vision board. That way you´ll manifest your dreams while boosting your self-esteem and well-being. 

But honestly, one of my favorite ways to effectively use affirmations is by using affirmation cards.

Using affirmation cards is as simple as choosing one or two for the day. I like to write these in my gratitude journal and then place it in a visible place either at my workspace or my home to repeat a couple of times throughout the day.

That way I am reminding myself of that powerful belief I want to internalize more easily.

There are many types of affirmation cards depending on your needs (self love, mindfulness, self care, etc.). But my all-time favorite ones will always be these ones.

Final thoughts on daily mantras and affirmations

Incorporating daily positive affirmations into your routine can truly transform your mindset and set the tone for a great day ahead. 

By repeating these affirmations, you are feeding your mind with empowering thoughts and beliefs that can uplift your spirits and boost your mental health.

There are many types of daily affirmations depending on your needs (for mental health, to boost your self love or productivity, etc.)

However, you don’t need to use all these affirmations every day. 

In fact in this case less is more, so read through the list, and choose 3-4 daily mantras that resonate with you the most.

Remember, the power of daily positive affirmations lies in their consistency. Embrace them wholeheartedly as part of your daily ritual, allowing their transformative energy to guide you toward a life filled with joy, abundance, and personal growth.

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sofia success

Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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