How to make a life plan 2024

Dec 28, 2023 | Personal Development | 0 comments

This post is all about how to make a life plan to build your dream life in 2024!

Are you ready to design a life that resonates with your soul’s deepest desires?

Right now before you, there is a blank canvas waiting for you to start painting on it. But where to start?

Well my friend, in this in-depth article I will lay out for you all the steps you need to follow on how to create a life plan for 2024!

Having a clear and inspiring vision is like having a roadmap for your life. It helps you navigate through challenges, stay focused on what truly matters, and ultimately achieve the life you’ve always desired. 

And with 2024 just around the corner, there’s no better time to start envisioning the future you want. So let’s dive right in! 

Disclaimer: this article isn’t just about making resolutions, it’s about cultivating a life plan that mirrors and reflects your values and dreams.

how to make a life plan

During this process, we will dive into these 6 steps to create your own life plan for 2024:

  •  Reflecting on the past year
  • Defining your values and priorities
  • Creating a vision for your life areas
  • Setting target goals
  • Creating a vision board for your 2024
  • Developing an action plan

Ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work? Then let’s start creating your own life plan, one that inspires you to take action, lays out the path for you, and will help you make 2024 the year where dreams meet action!

How to create a life vision. Step #1 Reflect on the past year

Before you step into the new year it’s important to take a moment to review and reflect on your past year. This includes your achievements, challenges faced, lessons learned, and areas of your life you would like to change.

Think about the moments that made you happy, the people you want to keep in your life, bad habits you picked up, and new adventures you want to live.

Here are a couple of journal prompts to help you reflect on your 2023 and create your life plan:

  1. What were the most significant moments of personal growth or self-discovery for me in 2023? How did these moments shape my perspective or change me as a person?
  2. What were the most challenging situations I faced this year, and what lessons did I learn from them? How did these challenges contribute to my personal development?
  3. What accomplishments or milestones did I achieve in 2023? How did these achievements contribute to my sense of fulfillment or progress toward my goals?
  4. What am I most grateful for in the past year? How did these things or experiences positively impact my life?
  5. How did I prioritize self-care and my well-being in 2023? What practices or habits did I adopt to improve my mental, emotional, and physical health?
  6. Reflect on the relationships in your life. Which relationships grew stronger, and why? Were there any relationships that changed or needed attention? 
  7. Think about any obstacles or fears that held you back in 2023. How did you overcome them? What strategies or mindset shifts helped you navigate through these challenges?
  8. What hobbies or passions did I pursue or neglect in the past year? How did engaging (or not engaging) in these activities affect my overall happiness and fulfillment?
  9. Reflect on the ways you positively impacted others in 2023. How did you contribute to your community, family, or friends? How did these actions make you feel?
  1. Review the goals you set for 2023. Which goals did you achieve, and which ones are still in progress? How did your goals evolve throughout the year? Do you feel they still represent your priorities as of today?
  2. Are there any decisions or actions from 2023 that I regret? What lessons can I learn from these experiences?
  3. How did my mindset evolve over the past year? In what ways did I embrace a growth-oriented mindset or challenge my limiting beliefs?
  4. Reflect on the balance between different aspects of your life—work, personal life, hobbies, relationships, etc. Did you achieve a healthy balance, or are there things you would like to change?
  5. Based on your reflections, what are the key insights or takeaways from 2023 that you want to carry forward into the future? 

Step #2 to create a life plan. Define your values and priorities

What is it that matters most to you? Is it your family, your career, personal development, health, etc.?

Determining your values and priorities will not only make it easier to set your 2024 resolutions but also give you clarity over what your focus should be and how to improve in these areas.

But first of all, what are values and how to establish your core values?

Values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live your life. They are the fundamental beliefs that guide your actions and determine your priorities. Values are the terms with which you determine if your life feels full, abundant, accomplished, and happy. 

And inside those values, you have your core values, which are the ones that define your biggest priorities.

The great thing about values is they become this life compass when you discover yours because values are the representation of what truly matters to you in life, about what you stand for, what moves you, and finally, what makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

Here are 4 essential steps you need to follow to discover yours:

#1. Write your values

Review the list of examples of core values linked below and select and write down every value that resonates with you as well as the values that most accurately describe your feelings or behaviors. Add any you think of that are not on the list as well. 

A little tip that has really helped me in this step and that I highly recommend is to read the words out loud and feel what emotion they evoked in me.

Here is a list of 100 values worth checking out!

#2 Categorize values into related groups

Now you have a master list of your values, so the next step is to review the list and see if you can group the values into categories. 

So for example, you may have written down growth, learning, and personal development. These values are all related and could be placed in one category. 

#3 Identify the central theme of your groups

Once you have categorized your values, choose a word (within that group) that best represents each group. 

You can leave the other words in the group in parentheses next to the central theme word to give the primary value more context.

So continuing with the example mentioned above, let´s say I have a group of values which are growth, learning, and personal development. And I decide that the one I resonate most with is personal growth. 

Then that list would go from- learning, personal development, and growth to “Value: personal development (learning, growth)”.

#4 Choose your core values

Now that you have your values chosen and grouped, it´s time to rank the top values in order of importance. While the number of core values people have can vary, try to choose between 3 to 5 core values.

If you have more than 5, ask yourself what values are essential to your life. And remember, in this list, the order has a meaning so make sure to list your values in order from your most meaningful to your least meaningful ones.

Step #3. Create a vision for your life areas.

Once you have reviewed your year and established your core values it’s time to move on to the next step on our life plan, which is creating a life vision for your life areas.

So what I want you to do know is break down your life into the main life areas which are personal growth, health, finances, relationships, career, and recreation (hobbies and so on).

Write them down separately and focus on each as you go. Visualize how you want each area to look like.

The important thing to remember here is to be specific so for example:

  • Career: What aspects of my career bring me the most fulfillment and joy? What skills or knowledge do I want to learn or improve in my career? How can I create a plan to develop these skills and advance in my career?
  • Relationship: How do I want to improve my communication and connections with the important people in my life? What steps can I take to strengthen these relationships? What boundaries do I need to set in my relationships to create a healthier balance? How can I be more supportive of those I care about?
  • Health and wellness: What habits or routines can I create to improve my physical health and well-being? How can I incorporate more exercise, better nutrition, or rest into my daily life? What strategies or practices can I implement to support my mental health? How can I prioritize mindfulness, stress management, or self-care routines?
  • Personal Growth: What would you like to improve about yourself?
  • Finances: What financial milestones or habits do you want to establish?
  • Recreation: How do you want to incorporate hobbies and relaxation into your life?

Step #4 on how to create a life plan. Set target goals

Now that you have a clear vision of each of your life areas it’s time to turn them into goals.

Now when it comes to goals there is one thing you can do to make sure you set yourself up for success from the beginning. And that is setting target goals.

This goal-setting method basically consists of going through 6 steps to make sure you are setting realistic and achievable goals from the beginning.

Let’s see these 6 steps in depth:

Tangible. One of the most important characteristics that an objective must have in order for you to achieve it is that it can almost be touched, and that it can be measured. 

For example, if your goal is to get more customers in your company or business, specify exactly how many customers you would like to have, what is the ideal number of clients you want to get?

Affirmative. It is very important that our objectives are ALWAYS positive. Focus on the idea of affirmative goals. 

Our mind does not understand “no”, nor does it distinguish between the negative or positive emotions that automatically invade our mind when we read something.

That is why it is important that our goals reflect what we want to achieve, not what we don’t want.

Realistic. The third characteristic to have in mind is setting realistic goals. Meaning that you can achieve your goals within the time limit you have set for yourself (we will talk about this in a sec) while it being in your abilities and skills.

Meaning that your goals should be things you actually believe yourself to achieve.

Another thing to have in mind is to set a realistic deadline, but your goals should still seem like a challenge. 

Gain. Now your goals are a little bit clearer, I want you to take a moment to think about what you gain and what you lose by achieving said goal. Doing this will not only help you think about your goals realistically but also boost your motivation by remarking on all the great things you will experience once you achieve them.

Evidence. If you can imagine that goal, if you can visualize it, if you can create it in your mind, it will be so much easier to achieve it. Determine exactly when you will feel that you have achieved your goal.

Create an image in your head so real that you can describe it as if you were living it in real life. The place you are in, the people around you, the smells, the sounds, the way you feel knowing that you have accomplished one of your dreams.

The key is to create or describe the moment in which you have accomplished your goal. 

Many times we focus so much on the objectives, on what we have to do, on the day-to-day that sometimes we do not even realize that it is already done, that we have achieved what we have set out to do.

That is why determining and creating an image of the exact moment when we have accomplished our goal is important.

Time. The sixth and last characteristic a goal needs to have to be achievable is a time limit, meaning a deadline. And this last part is important because of two main reasons.

The first is because we have a bad habit of postponing things when there is no deadline. We procrastinate, we start making excuses, making false promises… Sometimes we even forget about the goals we set after a couple of weeks.

The second reason is that an objective or goal that has a deadline makes it more tangible, and more real. This makes the goal seem easier to achieve.

So review your goals and give them a deadline. Meditate on how long you think it will take you to accomplish your goals and mark them on your calendar or agenda. Write it down in a place where you can see it often to keep it in mind. 

Remember that “a goal without a deadline is just words in the air”.

Congratulations you now have your list of realistic and achievable goals for 2024! But I am afraid to say the hard part is not quite over yet… (second part in step #6)

If you are still looking for New Year’s goals here are 99 goals ideas that won’t make you yawn!

#5 Create a vision board with your goals

Now that your goals are written it’s time for one of my favorite New Year traditions (although you can totally do it outside of the holiday season). And that is creating your vision board.

Vision or Dream boards are a very effective way not only to have your goals present but also to help you manifest them into your life.

Creating your own board is fairly easy. Firstly I want you to choose the goals and dreams you want to represent and look for inspo. photos in Pinterest or Google.

But you don’t have to limit yourself to photos, you can also include quotes, affirmations, or even people that represent those goals.

Once you have all your materials for the board, it’s time to choose whether you want to create a physical or digital board.

Personally, I love creating digital ones so that I can put them on my phone and laptop as wallpaper. I normally do them on Canva since they have beautiful templates already created, but you can choose whatever creation tool you want.

Now if you are more of a paper gal, you just need to print the photos and quotes, find a board or cardboard as your base, and start playing with the layout.

Once your vision board is done and ready remember to put it in a visible place where you can see it daily to keep your goals in mind.

But I do have to say that creating this dream board is actually the fun part and that it’s not half the job.

However, most people forget the other half which makes vision boards so much less effective.

So ready to discover the true secret to making vision boards work for you?

The key is that every time you see your vision board you need to connect with it. To do this you need to make sure firstly that the vision boards you choose effectively convey the emotions that your dream gives you when you think of them (so motivation, excitement, peace…)

Once you make sure your images and quotes create a strong emotion within yourself, give in to it. Imagine how your life will be once those goals come true, close your eyes and let yourself imagine this dream reality.

This will allow us to connect with our dreams and their emotions on a daily basis, raising our vibration and helping us manifest so much more effectively!

How to create a life vision 2024. #6 Create an action plan for your dreams

Remember when I said earlier that setting target goals is only part of the process?

Well here comes the second one. And I promise if you take your time to thoroughly complete this step it will make the rest of the process go so much more smoothly. (not easier, you still need to put in the work to make your goals come true. But when you are done with this step you will have created a step-by-step blueprint to help you achieve your resolution!)

And how do you create said blueprint? Let’s find out!

#1 Clarify your goals. The first step to any action plan is clarifying your goals. Lucky you,  we have already done these steps by following the target method, so bring out those goals, and let’s move on to step 2.

#2 Break down your goals. This step is all about taking your goals individually and breaking them into actionable steps. So basically think about every step and task you need to complete to get to your goals from your starting point.


Remember to make these steps actionable and tangible, allowing you to make consistent progress toward your larger goal.

So for example, if one of my goals for 2024 was improving my self talk here’s how I would break it down:

  1. Identify Negative Self-talk Patterns
  2. Learning new techniques to change my toxic inner voice
  3. Practice mindfulness to observe my own thoughts and beliefs about myself
  4. Challenging my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs
  5. Setting boundaries and prioritizing self care
  6. Improving my self love with activities, journaling, self dates, etc.
  7. Practicing gratitude daily
  8. Regularly practicing self reflection and journaling

P.S. remember every case is different so there is no right or wrong when it comes to this list of actionable steps, simply follow your gut and focus on the thing you need to improve.

#3 Set priorities and timelines. Once you have laid out each task it’s time to prioritize them based on urgency and importance. Aside from this make sure to assign deadlines to each task (when applied) and schedule them into your calendar.

#4 Develop a detailed action plan for each task. The fourth step consists of creating a detailed plan for each task. Outline what needs to be done, how to do it, and the resources you will need. I know it may seem a little tedious but having this plan created will give you clarity and empower you to take action confidently.

#5 Regular review and adjustment. The last step is all bout consistently reviewing your progress. That includes reflecting on what’s working and what isn’t, adjusting your plan as needed and even modifying timelines if you need to.

By following these steps you will create a structured and actionable plan that boosts your confidence and belief in yourself helping you stay focused, and maintaining your motivation.

Final thoughts on how to make a life plan 2024

Creating a life plan isn’t just about drafting plans or setting goals; it’s about nurturing a mindset that aligns your aspirations with intentional actions. It’s a call to awaken the architect within, designing a life that resonates with your truest self.

Remember, a life vision isn’t etched in stone; it’s a living canvas, which means you can always go back to change, adjust, and rewrite how you want this life vision to look like.

Be kind to yourself along this journey. Recognize that progress, regardless of its size, is still progress. Celebrate each stride forward, and in moments of difficulty, remember that you are strong enough to overcome all your challenges.

Finally, your vision for 2024 isn’t merely a goal; it’s an ongoing story that reflects your true self.

So, with motivation and optimism, dare to dream, plan, and take action. Let your life vision for 2024 be a testament to your resilience, your dreams, and your commitment to living authentically.

Here’s to embracing the journey, pursuing dreams, and creating a life plan that mirrors the essence of who you are. Here’s to a purposeful, enriching, and transformative 2024!

P.S. Here are a couple more articles that will help you make 2024 your year starting January 1st:

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Hey there, I´m Sofia!

 I´m a passionate, determined and happy person. I´m also a book lover and my passions include interior design, art, music and travel. I’m the creator of Sofia Success, a platform created to empower young woman to build their dream life and become their highest self.



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